AP* CS Workshops
AP CS Summer Institutes 2012
Each workshop will focus on the Java language features included in the AP* CS A curriculum and topics listed in the AP* CS A topic outline. GridWorld Case Study is incorporated throughout the week. Tools and techniques for teaching computer science are shared. If time allows, selected topics for introductory computer science courses (those before AP) are discussed. Resources and textbooks are available for teachers to review.
June 25 - June 29, 2012: Fairfax County, VA
July 23 - July 27, 2012: Fordham University, Lincoln Center, NY
AP* CS Teacher Workshop Participant Survey
AP CS Workshop Consultant Experience
AP CS Summer Institute, Fairfax County Public Schools, VA (2009 - present)
AP CS Summer Institute -NMSI, Richmond, VA (2010,2011)
AP CS Summer Institute, Fordham University, Lincoln Center, NY (2001 - present)
AP CS Summer Institute, University of Eastern Connecticut, Willmantic, CT (2010)
AP CS Summer Institute, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY (2001 - 2009)
AP CS Summer Institute, Drew University, Madison, NJ (2003 - 2010)
Workshop for Computer Science Teachers in International Schools, Kiev, Ukraine (2007)
One- and two- day workshops hosted by College Board (1985 - present)
*AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board,
which was not involved in the production of this Web site.